Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hau Planning Project

In this second blog, I would like to inform to Mr. Branch and my fellow classmates, regarding the planning for the major, class project. On the first class meeting, I have the feeling of fear when the class was informed by Mr. Branch that we have to carry a major project. At that time, all of which I thought was to be a tutor, but I do not know where to start and how I can find information about volunteer tutor. Furthermore, I go everywhere and ask my friends and professors, who I associated from last semester and this semester. They gave me advice that "tried to call the Memphis City School (MCS) to see whether they still needed tutor or not." Therefore, I think that this is a good project to start because it will be an opportunity to improve my knowledge and use the knowledge to help other students.
In addition, the advice of being a mentor also reminded me about news on television that I watched in the past few weeks. Many news reporters discussed the issue that the MCS needed more improvement to help the students to enhance their learning. To be specific, the MCS students encounter a hard time with math and reading subject. In this case, I called the Board of Education to see whether they needed volunteer or not. The counselor of the volunteer tutor program answered yes. So, she arranged with me that the first orientation would be held at Rhode College on January 28, 2010 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. If this workout successfully, I will start to volunteer at any local MCS as a math mentor. Consequently, I consider this will be a good starting point for the project.

1 comment:

  1. That is cool brother. I'm glad someone is out there doing something productive and gets to do something I can't, (Math! the bane of my existence.
