Saturday, January 30, 2010

Hau Tran Blog 1 (Introduction of Myself)

Hello, classmates. In this first blog, I would like to introduce myself and talk about the relationship that I have toward Memphis. Like many of the classmates have known me from the first class meeting, my name is Hau Tran, and I am twenty-three year old. To characterize myself, I am a friendly person and love to do things that I would think to be challenging, such as taking honor classes in college, like Honor Inquiry. Furthermore, whenever I have free time, I am relief my body and mind from stress and school works by enjoying drinking wine, liquor, or beer. However, I spend most of the time wisely to study and voluntarily help the Vietnamese people by being a volunteer translator to any elder Vietnamese and to other Vietnamese that cannot speak much English. In the past, for example, I have taken many Vietnamese residents, who cannot speak, read, or write English, to government facility, such as hospital, human services, Memphis Shelby County Court, or any site as they needed.
Subsequently, I will inform to the classmates a brief scenario about my origin, how I get to Memphis and what the feelings that I have toward Memphis are. My nationality is Vietnam; my family and I immigrated to U.S.A. in October 14, 1990. When my family and I first land our feet on American soil, Memphis was a place that we lived in 1990 to today date. Hence, I lived in Memphis for most of my life since I was three year old. In young age, I thought that Memphis was a great place because my school teachers and friends were very nice to each other and me. However, when I became older, I have different viewpoint for Memphis. It seems to me that Memphis was a disorderly city. African American and White American and other minority were not quite interacting with each other. In this case, I think Memphis was a dysfunctional place because there is some kind of hidden segregation from the inside of most individuals, which I cannot view or see through. Anyway, Memphis was an interesting place when I was growing up until now, because there are several events and recreational facilities, such as the Beale Street. From Honor Inquiry class, finally, I hope to know more about the city of Memphis and have a different aspect toward it.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah you are not kidding, we are a little dysfunctional but hey at least it keeps things interesting.
