Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Evils of Electronics

I hate being late. Tardiness is one of my biggest pet peeves. Having said that, I think it’s also important to note that I have an extreme dislike for pretty much all consumer electronics. From iphones to androids on up the proverbial ladder of profitability to laptops (define irony) and LCD big screens. The reason I abhor these things has nothing to do with their natures. No, it is their use that bothers me, or rather their overuse. We, as an American Society, have become so reliant on consumer electronics that people actually have panic attacks for no other reason than that they left their cellular at home. We have become so used to the instant gratification of information they provide that patience has become a past time, an obstacle to be overcome with a new wave of “next-generation technology.” Point of fact: exactly how many generations can Apple have in a single year? People toss technical innovations out the window every day because the latest and greatest just hit the market. What’s the point of coming up with a new invention? Even if I did, it would be mimicked within three months, made cheaper and smaller by Chinese children working for $0.12 an hour within six months and obsolete within twelve. We have lost touch with one another. Why hold conversations face to face when we can “facebook” and text? Electronics have been forced into our lives whether we want them or not, which brings me back to my original idea. I hate being late. Unfortunately, I live out in the woods of Tipton County. Our services are so reliable that a squirrel fart is powerful enough to knock the lights out. Imagine what little it takes for us to lose the internet and, whoops, I’m late on an assignment all because of the fallibility of “necessary” electronics. Makes me wish for simpler times.

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