Sunday, February 7, 2010

My final project idea (TA DA!!!)

Not to completely copy Cathlynn, but I as well am interested in the Muslim community here in Memphis. Specifically a devout muslim family here in Memphis. For my project I present that I would like to go to a Mosque and talk with a family about their life here, leaning more specifically towards a family with a highschool senior as he/she prepares to go to college. I want to interview them about how they are able to practice their religion in school and what discrimination they might or might not go through there. I'm going to flesh out more of this in time but I want to think on it as well. While doing this project I hope to not only get to learn more about the family life, see how they go about their daily lives as well. I also hope to get a better sense of the Muslim religion itself. Yes, I am a christian but not very devout, in one sense you can say I'm a christian by trade. I don't know if I would convert but it's always good to learn more about this world and what better way than to learn about something completely different from what I've already learned.

1 comment:

  1. well anything that ends in TADA has to be awesome though, right?
