Monday, February 8, 2010

Reading Memphis Response

Tuesday's class gave me a lot of hope this semester. There is always one class every semester that keeps me from committing seppuku inbetween classes, and I think this one is it for Spring.

It seemed to me that everyone did a pretty decent job at picking things WAY out of their comfort zone and taking a lot of positive things (like phone numbers, holler Drew!) from it in the process. Drew was very brave and obviously very secure in his masculinity for going to a nail salon. Hau set aside typical Southern fare for an evening in India, which was much to my delight as Indian food is one of my favorite things in the world. Not just favorite food, but favorite things. Chana masala all day, please. And Charles? Disc golf? Really, dude? Though it was for a good cause and the weather qualified it as being definitely out of comfort zone, I still have to cringe slightly at so many bad memories of spotting loathed hippies in Overton park, reeking of Nag Champa and contraband. At least the St. Jude Tournament sounded interesting. Hippies are just boring and smelly. I don't trust anyone who owns that much corduroy.

I am honestly really excited for the rest of this semester and even more excited at the prospect of making some new friends in the process. To continue the trend of corny blog entries, I think we're going to learn and see a lot of new things over the course of the next several months, and few things cement the bonding process like experiencing the unfamiliar in a group setting. Just please don't ask me to play disc golf.

P.S: I got conned into going BACK to Stella Marris on Friday night. Within 30 seconds of walking in, I saw a fight. It was AWESOME.


  1. I took her out for dinner and while cute, she is a little out there so a second date is not likely. Not to mention she was already hounding me for smoking like we were a couple so no thanks on that one. I am going to have to take you frisbee golfing at shelby farms, you will have a much better experience I promise. How long is your boyfriend staying for? I think he would enjoy it as well.

  2. Oh yeah the seppuku comment cracked me up as well
